Master your Week

Quickly spot upcoming standards and important events. The key to effective planning often begins with capturing the big picture of the week's content. This canvas allows you to plan at a high level before delving into the finer details

Master your Week

Get a bird’s eye view of your week with the Week View feature! Color-coded sections or learning blocks make it easy to track tasks for you and your students. Quickly spot upcoming standards and important events. The key to effective planning often begins with capturing the big picture of the week's content. This canvas allows you to plan at a high level before delving into the finer details. Effortlessly adjust specific learning blocks to suit changes in your daily plans. This tool is as flexible and nimble as teachers are in their classrooms every day.

Laying the Ground Work

Dive into the finer details of your day's plan. 
  1. Step 1: Select the standard to focus on. (The chosen standards will be conveniently tracked for your reference)
  2. Step 2: Add a few more details about what you aim to create, such as topic, length, and  the number of points for the task.
  3. Step 3: Opt for one of our objectives or craft your personalized one.
  4. Step 4: You are ready to finalize your learning block. 

Watch the Takeoff: Let Edu do the Work 

After setting up the basics, let Edu the Llama's AI assist you in building the rest of the learning block. Choose from various fields and sections to add to the task, write minimal instructions, and watch how quickly your lesson comes together!

“This tool puts the power in your hands without the heavy lifting.”


About LlamaEdu

At LlamaEdu, we are committed to transforming education through innovative technology solutions. Our mission is to empower educators and enhance learning experiences by providing tools that align with their needs. We combine insights from literature, classroom observations, educator feedback, and agile management principles to craft effective solutions that power up teaching and learning.

About LlamaEdu

At LlamaEdu, we are committed to transforming education through innovative technology solutions. Our mission is to empower educators and enhance learning experiences by providing tools that align with their needs. We combine insights from literature, classroom observations, educator feedback, and agile management principles to craft effective solutions that power up teaching and learning.

About LlamaEdu

At LlamaEdu, we are committed to transforming education through innovative technology solutions. Our mission is to empower educators and enhance learning experiences by providing tools that align with their needs. We combine insights from literature, classroom observations, educator feedback, and agile management principles to craft effective solutions that power up teaching and learning.