Power up your Teaching
We combine lean management principles, insights from literature, observations, and insights from educators to craft a tool that effectively aligns with classroom needs.
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Meet Our Tool
While technology is evolving, incorporating AI, we have intentionally and thoughtfully integrated it to enhance its impact.
Research Based
We combine lean management principles, insights from literature, observations, and insights from educators to craft a tool that effectively aligns with classroom needs. While technology is evolving, incorporating AI, we have intentionally and thoughtfully integrated it to enhance its impact.
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Ready to inspire the educators around you? Take the lead and introduce llamaedu to your fellow educator colleagues and friends! Be the guiding light towards a brighter, more efficient method of powering up their teaching journey.
“Meet Edu: Your
  • Curriculum builder”
  • Lesson planner”
  • Differentiator”
  • Rubric Creator”